Saturday, October 18, 2008

Praying for freedom

Play the adorable video above.

We are praying this will be our last blog on our bird mites.  Some unique opportunities and events happened that have given us our final hope of killing these bugs.

There is a person that found a study done on killing bird mites using dehumidifiers and high heat.  The bugs and any following eggs hatched were dead within 5 weeks.  Bird mites thrive in an atmosphere with moisture, so the goal is to create a hot, arrid-like desert in your home.  

Upon finding this out two things happened:  A friend of ours graciously opened up their guest home for us to stay in during this time free of rent, and another friend and coworker of Danny's opened their home up for our exchange student that was living with us to stay since the guest home was only a two bedroom.  This was a huge blessing and opportunity.  During this time it would be important that none of the bugs bite any of us so they cannot reproduce, so being out of the house helps.  It will also be very hot inside.  

More importantly, and excitingly....(is that a word?)....God was finally bringing us to a point of desperation and began to move us deeply to stop depending on man (exterminators, HOA, bug sprays....etc.) and depend fully on Him!   Last weekend we listened to Pastor Garlows sermons on a forty day fast the church is doing for Prop 8 and immediately were convicted.  The Bible talks about how some things require prayer and fasting to find freedom.  Danny and I have only fasted maybe two days with a goal of three but never quite reaching it.  

We spent long hours of repentance and allowing God to cleanse us that night of sin, and surrendered the next forty days from eating so that we can see Him have victory over our lives and others.  This past year Satan has allowed these bugs to steal away so much of our lives.  NO MORE!   Our prayer is for Prop 8 to pass, for God to ultimately kill these bugs so we can go back to a house where we can again enjoy our family and friends, and be a place of worship and peace.  And most of all, that this time will bring us to the place with our relationship with God that Danny and I have been yearning for but not doing much about to get there.  We also have some friends of ours that are going to pray over our home this week and anoint it with oil and claim this home for God!  Did you just get excited?  I know we are!!

We urge everyone one of you, our dearest friends to keep us and this situation in your prayers.  We need it.  Pray for strength, as the enemy as already begun to attach.  Pray for victory in all of these areas we mentioned.  Danny keeps saying...."This is going to be a story that God uses to touch people in many different ways someday."  Let's pray together that this will be done in the name of Jesus!

We so look forward to talking with you all in the next six weeks to praise our Lord together!!!

Psalm 61:5
   "My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him."

Thank you Lord for allowing hardships that we may be reminded of how real and mighty you are and how much we need you.  Sorry for trying to live life on our own strength.  We love you.  And thank you for loving us first!         Amen

You are each treasured in our hearts.

The Sanchez family


Melissa B said...

praise God for what He is going to do!!!!!

Melissa B said...

just watched the video - it is adorable!

TToon said...

Have you rid your family of these mites?

WE are experiencing same thing.