Saturday, October 18, 2008

Praying for freedom

Play the adorable video above.

We are praying this will be our last blog on our bird mites.  Some unique opportunities and events happened that have given us our final hope of killing these bugs.

There is a person that found a study done on killing bird mites using dehumidifiers and high heat.  The bugs and any following eggs hatched were dead within 5 weeks.  Bird mites thrive in an atmosphere with moisture, so the goal is to create a hot, arrid-like desert in your home.  

Upon finding this out two things happened:  A friend of ours graciously opened up their guest home for us to stay in during this time free of rent, and another friend and coworker of Danny's opened their home up for our exchange student that was living with us to stay since the guest home was only a two bedroom.  This was a huge blessing and opportunity.  During this time it would be important that none of the bugs bite any of us so they cannot reproduce, so being out of the house helps.  It will also be very hot inside.  

More importantly, and excitingly....(is that a word?)....God was finally bringing us to a point of desperation and began to move us deeply to stop depending on man (exterminators, HOA, bug sprays....etc.) and depend fully on Him!   Last weekend we listened to Pastor Garlows sermons on a forty day fast the church is doing for Prop 8 and immediately were convicted.  The Bible talks about how some things require prayer and fasting to find freedom.  Danny and I have only fasted maybe two days with a goal of three but never quite reaching it.  

We spent long hours of repentance and allowing God to cleanse us that night of sin, and surrendered the next forty days from eating so that we can see Him have victory over our lives and others.  This past year Satan has allowed these bugs to steal away so much of our lives.  NO MORE!   Our prayer is for Prop 8 to pass, for God to ultimately kill these bugs so we can go back to a house where we can again enjoy our family and friends, and be a place of worship and peace.  And most of all, that this time will bring us to the place with our relationship with God that Danny and I have been yearning for but not doing much about to get there.  We also have some friends of ours that are going to pray over our home this week and anoint it with oil and claim this home for God!  Did you just get excited?  I know we are!!

We urge everyone one of you, our dearest friends to keep us and this situation in your prayers.  We need it.  Pray for strength, as the enemy as already begun to attach.  Pray for victory in all of these areas we mentioned.  Danny keeps saying...."This is going to be a story that God uses to touch people in many different ways someday."  Let's pray together that this will be done in the name of Jesus!

We so look forward to talking with you all in the next six weeks to praise our Lord together!!!

Psalm 61:5
   "My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him."

Thank you Lord for allowing hardships that we may be reminded of how real and mighty you are and how much we need you.  Sorry for trying to live life on our own strength.  We love you.  And thank you for loving us first!         Amen

You are each treasured in our hearts.

The Sanchez family

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Living with Invisible biting "Bird Mites"

It is amazing how one can take for granted the every day pleasures of our daily living.  If someone were to tell me my family's story eight months ago, I don't know how I would have responded.  But I know now, that it has taken me to a place that has opened my eyes to have compassion towards people that are hurting in ways I myself don't understand, as others too don't understand our own everyday hurt and hardship.  But, we DO rejoice with the strength God gives us daily to do so.  It is hard, but we look forward to see the people that we will have become when this is done and gone!

Our mysterious biting bug began last October of 2007, now almost nine months ago.  One night after a strong wind storm, I began to feel crawling sensations all up and down my body while in bed.  This continued for months along with the pin pricks and mosquito-like bites under my arms and on my legs.  We bought a new bed, and two weeks later they were back.

In November our condo complex was tented for termites and the exterminator told me that whatever bug it was that I was feeling would die.  Two weeks later, they were back.

I went to a few doctors and they told me I was imagining the "crawling bugs", and that my bites were from my razor!  I did everything I could possibly think of to find out what was bothering me.  I changed our soaps, detergent, cleaned the whole house, blinds, and carpets.  We thought we had fleas from our dog so we bombed the house with many expensive did nothing!  

Our daily lives began to change.  We began to throw away many of our belongings that these bugs were infesting.  We began to wash all of our clothes in hot, hot water and put them all in trash bags.  We would also only wear them once and put them in a trash bag to soon be washed.  We began to only use a bath towel once after our showers and then bag it to wash because it would be infested by the next day.   We also began to sweep, mop, and vacuum daily which helped to get rid of the bugs and eggs.  The bag had to be taped up between uses because they would crawl out.  We also changed our bedding every single night.  This regime obviously became exhausting.

In late March our mysterious bugs became very aggressive. I would try and sleep but all I could feel were these invisible bugs crawling all over my body.  After two weeks of no sleep, I finally called an exterminator and he told me we had a mite.  He sprayed, and again, two weeks later they were back!

After some research on mites, I found a website called, and all the symptoms matched.  Two weeks later we found three bird nests hidden within the bricks of our condo.  And within a month, our next door neighbors had an active bird's nest, and within a week after it vacated, they too began to live our same nightmare.

In April we began a month worth of new treatments of pesticides that are normally used to get rid of bird mites, and afterwards they returned....but with vengeance. The pictures posted are the bites that we began receiving shortly after the final spray.   Cambria, our 10 month old girl began to cry hysterically in the middle of the night for a three day period and would not want to go to bed.  One early morning I put my crying baby in my bed with me and realized within minutes that she had been crying because her bed, and her little body had these bugs all over her.  She was hitting her ear for three nights and had bites in them.  Micah had them on his mouth, and Danny and I had them in our hair, and me in my nose.  

We then took the kids to pediatrics and they basically said that they don't know much about bird mites and there is not much that they can do.  That same week we called the Health Department in San Diego, and they too said that they have not heard of bird mites being so resilient as the ones that we have, and cannot help.  

Our current exterminator is now trying a new pesticide which has only made them angrier in the last few weeks.  They now are in every part of the house and bite us all day long.  Our rigorous regime of laundry and cleaning has increased along with giving the kids baths before every nap or car outings.  We threw away our couch this week and ripped out our downstairs carpet and are trying to find a time to rip out the upstairs.

We don't know how this will end, and at times we  feel very hopeless, but we know that we have to go to Lord each day for strength to fight this battle.  Recently the Lord gave us a very familiar verse we all know..."Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God." Philippians 4:6.  The Lord has taught us many things along this journey we are taking.  But in losing most of our material possessions and my husband not working so he can care for our family, the Lord keeps telling us not to worry.

God has used many of you to be the body of Christ in our difficult time.  Whether to give us a hug and not be afraid of getting this bug too, or making us dinner, or sending us a little help to make it through these summer months, we will forever give our heavenly Father praise for His blessings He has shown us through each of you.

Please continue to pray for something that will work to kill these very resilient  bird mites.  Pray also that this will happen soon.  Our exchange student returns to our home the second week of August and our home is a reck right now and in no condition for even us to currently be living in.  Last, please pray that we will be able to financially be able to replace our carpet and at least a couch for our living room when this is over.  It doesn't compare to how much we have thrown away or have spent on cleaning supplies and electricity used to try and kill these bugs.  But we know that whatever happens, all these material things are nothing in comparison to having a relationship with the King of kings and the Lord of lords!  We are so rich and have so much to be thankful for.   Let's praise Him even now, for all His goodness towards us!




Sunday, June 29, 2008

It's been a while

I wanted to give a brief update on how our family has been.  In a nut shell, we have been challenged and broken by creatures we cannot see but definitely feel.  The beauty of it is that we WILL be delivered by our Creator who also we cannot see but truly feel.  Please keep praying for us as we endure this battle.

The kids are doing well.  Micah is almost three and growing like a weed.  He still loves sports,had mastered his Razor scooter, is swimming a lot, potty trained (praise God), talks non stop and looks after his baby sister Cambria.  He loves yet still likes to be the boss.

Cambria has really begun to melt my heart.  She is a beautiful little girl.   She is almost ready to start walking, she has 8 teeth and eats everything.  So far we think she is allergic to egg.  Micah is allergic to both egg and dairy.  We will find out when she turns one in 2 months.

I will try to give more updates as the summer and days go on.  Here are some of the latest pictures we have of the kids and family.

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Sweet San Diego

Since our last blog we have really started appreciating the little things in life a lot more.  We have truly been blessed with a lot.  On the same weekend we lost Poncha we were able to enjoy snow in San Diego and then the Bay the very next day.  It was awesome.  We had fun.  Everything here is green and the wild flowers are growing.
Our kids have also been growing like weeds.  Micah is truly becoming a 2 year old boy with a lot of energy.  He has such a funny and tender personality.  Cambria is getting beautiful by the minute.  She has her 2 bottom teeth and is rolling over.  
God is good even we are not.  This is such nice peace to have.  Here are some pics of our kids.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Viva La Poncha

Dear friends and family,

Yesterday Poncha got run over by a car when she saw a
person walking by that she excitedly ran to greet.  It
was at the home of a close family member of ours that
is fenced except at the entry way. We yelled at her to
come back but it was too late.  She died immediately.

Danny brought Poncha home after I came home from the
hospital after a miscarriage in 2003.  If you know
Poncha, you know she is hard not to love.

She would cuddle in our bed until I became pregnant
with Micah, and then she had to learn to sleep in a
less warm place.

When Micah was born, we realized how good she was with
kids.  Micah and her became instant buddies.  Many
mornings I would lay on my bed, and let Micah crawl on
our patio upstairs trying to get Poncha under the
chairs.  He would laugh for hours.  

Sometimes they took baths together because she loved
the warm water so much and it made Micah laugh.  Micah
fed her in the mornings, wrestled her almost everyday,
something Poncha endured because she knew it made
Micah smile.

Lately, Cambria has fell in love with Poncha as well. 
Go to our Blog website
and you will see what Cambria did everytime she played
with Poncha.  That girl would just follow her with her
eyes and smile when every she saw her.  I am so sad
she will never get to be a part of her life.  I'm sure
she would have become best friends with her as did

Danny and I cried uncontrollably for a good half an
hour after that, and many time since then.  I never
ever understood the loss of a pet until it happened to
me.  I used to think why my students wouldn't come to
school after they loss their dog, and now I do.  Our
house felt so empty when we came home and more than a
hundred things remind us of her.  She was family and I
never really knew to what extent.  

As much as it is so difficult for us right now, Micah
has not stopped asking for her.  The minute she was
gone, she asked for her.  He yelled, "Poncha, where
aaarree you?"  and did his imitation of Papi's
whistle, which always makes us laugh.  When we left
without her he insisted on getting her.  When he got
home and looked for her he said he wanted to see her
over and over and began to cry.  He has not stopped
asking for her this morning as well.  He is used to
playing with her all morning and yelling at her to not
steal his cherrios, or any other food he drops on the

Please pray for him.  His little heart is so tender,
and him and her were best of friends, as she was to
both Danny and I as well.

No dog could ever be as perfect for our family as
Poncha was.  She never barked for any reason, she let
us wrestle, bite her ear (Danny's favorite thing to
do), and let our kids love on her in any way they
pleased.  We miss her so much already and cannot
imagine life without her.

These pictures are in memory of her.  

Last, we have walked away from this reminded that life
is short.  If I could have Poncha back today I would
let her sit on me all day and not get bothered by the
hair she left all over my clothes, or her wet saliva
she left all over my face and ear because she just
wanted to love on me.  I would give her a little more
of my time even though it is so consumed by my two
little children.

If only we would love so unconditionally.  I pray that
we would live each day without regrets.  Our lives are
so short and can be gone at any time.  I pray we would
not hold on to bitterness and grudges against family
and friends, I pray we would cherish the family, kids,
and the gift of our husbands and wives (the love of
our lives) that we have been given to share this life
with.  Most of all, I pray that we would not miss the
chance daily, to spend with our Lord Jesus.  He wants
so much to love on us, and His love is ALWAYS
unconditional and abundant, and fulfilling.  And those
that do not know Him as your personal Saviour and
friend, I pray so much that you will not leave this
world without Him.

I love you all.     Thank you
for your friendships and the love we get to share with
each of you.  God bless you and your families.

The Sanchez Family,
Danny, Tammy, Micah, Cambria, Poncha

Our emails have changed:


Sunday, January 27, 2008

Sanchez Family Update-much awaited

Sorry for not updating our blog. A lot has gone on since Cambria came into the world. As a family we are doing well. God has been good as usual. He never seems to forget about us even though we do. Cambria is now 5 months and 2 days old. She has rolled over, stands on her own in the bouncy and recently got her ears pierced. She is so beautiful. Just like her Mami. Micah is now 2years 5 months and 12 days old. He is a very active and talkative young boy. He is into motorcylces, trains and the color red. He loves his little sis. Micah is very tenderhearted. They are both getting over a sickness. We can't wait until they are both back to normal

Tammy is doing well. She is enjoying being a momma. This last week has been one of her toughest. She had to care for a very sick 2 year old, 4 month old baby and her baby husband that just got shoulder surgery. God Bless her servant heart. She was our life-line last week. She also has been asked to lead worship in the Junior High chapels at Christian High. She excited about getting out to do something she loves.

I (Danny) have been trying to recovery from my surgery. After 1 week i am gaining a lot of strength and mobility in my right shoulder. Work has been a challenge but I still feel like I am doing what Gods wants me to do.

Our student Stephen has been a blessing and pleasure to have in our home. He is super smart and very considerate. Micah enjoys wrestling with him and Poncha enjoys his attention. Oh, Poncha is still alive. She is ugly and cute as usual. Cambria seems to enjoy her the most.

All in all, our family has been blessed. It is awesome having kids even when the tough moments arrive. It is a true test of our stewardship and patience. We love you all. We will try to be more consistent with this. Enjoy the video and some of the pics.