Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Viva La Poncha

Dear friends and family,

Yesterday Poncha got run over by a car when she saw a
person walking by that she excitedly ran to greet.  It
was at the home of a close family member of ours that
is fenced except at the entry way. We yelled at her to
come back but it was too late.  She died immediately.

Danny brought Poncha home after I came home from the
hospital after a miscarriage in 2003.  If you know
Poncha, you know she is hard not to love.

She would cuddle in our bed until I became pregnant
with Micah, and then she had to learn to sleep in a
less warm place.

When Micah was born, we realized how good she was with
kids.  Micah and her became instant buddies.  Many
mornings I would lay on my bed, and let Micah crawl on
our patio upstairs trying to get Poncha under the
chairs.  He would laugh for hours.  

Sometimes they took baths together because she loved
the warm water so much and it made Micah laugh.  Micah
fed her in the mornings, wrestled her almost everyday,
something Poncha endured because she knew it made
Micah smile.

Lately, Cambria has fell in love with Poncha as well. 
Go to our Blog website
and you will see what Cambria did everytime she played
with Poncha.  That girl would just follow her with her
eyes and smile when every she saw her.  I am so sad
she will never get to be a part of her life.  I'm sure
she would have become best friends with her as did

Danny and I cried uncontrollably for a good half an
hour after that, and many time since then.  I never
ever understood the loss of a pet until it happened to
me.  I used to think why my students wouldn't come to
school after they loss their dog, and now I do.  Our
house felt so empty when we came home and more than a
hundred things remind us of her.  She was family and I
never really knew to what extent.  

As much as it is so difficult for us right now, Micah
has not stopped asking for her.  The minute she was
gone, she asked for her.  He yelled, "Poncha, where
aaarree you?"  and did his imitation of Papi's
whistle, which always makes us laugh.  When we left
without her he insisted on getting her.  When he got
home and looked for her he said he wanted to see her
over and over and began to cry.  He has not stopped
asking for her this morning as well.  He is used to
playing with her all morning and yelling at her to not
steal his cherrios, or any other food he drops on the

Please pray for him.  His little heart is so tender,
and him and her were best of friends, as she was to
both Danny and I as well.

No dog could ever be as perfect for our family as
Poncha was.  She never barked for any reason, she let
us wrestle, bite her ear (Danny's favorite thing to
do), and let our kids love on her in any way they
pleased.  We miss her so much already and cannot
imagine life without her.

These pictures are in memory of her.  

Last, we have walked away from this reminded that life
is short.  If I could have Poncha back today I would
let her sit on me all day and not get bothered by the
hair she left all over my clothes, or her wet saliva
she left all over my face and ear because she just
wanted to love on me.  I would give her a little more
of my time even though it is so consumed by my two
little children.

If only we would love so unconditionally.  I pray that
we would live each day without regrets.  Our lives are
so short and can be gone at any time.  I pray we would
not hold on to bitterness and grudges against family
and friends, I pray we would cherish the family, kids,
and the gift of our husbands and wives (the love of
our lives) that we have been given to share this life
with.  Most of all, I pray that we would not miss the
chance daily, to spend with our Lord Jesus.  He wants
so much to love on us, and His love is ALWAYS
unconditional and abundant, and fulfilling.  And those
that do not know Him as your personal Saviour and
friend, I pray so much that you will not leave this
world without Him.

I love you all.     Thank you
for your friendships and the love we get to share with
each of you.  God bless you and your families.

The Sanchez Family,
Danny, Tammy, Micah, Cambria, Poncha

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